Creating a Blog with Next.js and Markdown - Part 1
Special mention to Traversy Media for content that is referenced here.
Next.js Setup and Styling $ npx create-next-app blog npm i marked gray-matter To run (opens default app): npm run dev ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000 wait - compiling... event - compiled client and server successfully in 9s (125 modules) Deleting the unwanted: Not using api routes, so delete pages/api folder index.js is home page Each page in Next....
Enable Emmet for JSX in VSCode
Emmet is a popular plugin available for multiple IDEs including VSCode.
By Default it works when you are on .html file.
You can also make it work on .js files when working with JSX.
Open Settings in VSCode: Ctrl + , Navigate to Workspace tab > Extensions Use “Edit in settings.json" Add following config to the settings.json file: { "emmet.includeLanguages": { "javascript": "javascriptreact" } } Emmet should start working in ....
Why should you start a blog
Programming Blog can be one of the best first projects for any programmer.
Benefits Document your entire journey and learning experience. Keeps you accountable for learning. Gives a level of professionalism. Following the tips/suggestions available online for your programming blog Wordpress or from scratch (HTML CSS, JAMstack)? It is a personal choice, and based on what you are looking out of it when you spend your time creating a blog, you have the freedom to choose your platform/tech stack....
Server Side Rendering(SSR) vs Client Side Rendering - for SEO
Server Side Rendering(SSR) and Client Side Rendering are two different ways in which a website is served to a client.
SSR and CSR both have their own advantages and disadvantges.
Which one would you prefer for better SEO (e.g. blog, ecommerce etc), and what are the quirks of search engines that affects your page ranking?
This whole debate has JS at the center - if there is no JavaScript in picture(hardly possible in modern websites and apps) and there is plain old HTML and CSS, then there is no CSR and SSR - its a static site!...