git commit -am “message”

git commit -am "message

Adds all the files in current working directory


git config --global  "commit -am"

# How to use it: > git ac "message"

Reword the last commit message

git commit --amend -m "new message"

Also useful when you forgot to include or stage a couple of files with last commit.

git commit --amend --no-edit #if want no change in prev commit message

This only works until before you havent alreday pushed your code to a remote repo.

Git push with –force (living dangerously)

git push origin master --force

This will overwrite the remote commits with state of your local code. (example if you wanted to correct the wording to be updated at remote too, because you earlier pushed the incorrect message - but beware, doing this will result in following:

  • if you have commits on the remote branch that you dont have locally, they will be lost on remote! and your coworkeres wony be too happy about it.

When pushed some garbage code to repo remote, and realized it should never have been on remote

git revert <commit>

If want to work on a repo, but not have local machine

GitHub > open a repo > press .

Opens a code editor.

Can do almost everything, cant use terminal

Github codespace to use terminal

creates terminal in cloud.

Git Stash

to temp ‘stash’ (not ready to commit yet)

git stash

later when ready git pop

Better Usage

git stash save name1

now you have a name for your stash

you can see all stashed by:

git stash list

git stash apply 0

Better reading git log

git log --graph --oneline --decorate

Git bisect

– didnt get fully

Squashing commits

git rebase master --interactive

opens an editor:

pick asdfasdf
squash qwerqsdfa
squash etiuryuir
squash fdkmfkmpd

Then set the new commit message

If you can use fixup instead of squash when doing rebase.

Git hooks

Whenever you perform an operation with Git, like a commit for e.g., it will create an event

hooks allow you to run code either before or after the event

see .git > hooks - find many hooks there

For JS devs, there is a package Husky that makes it easier to configure hooks

example: you can configure to validate / lint your code before every commit.

Go back to original state of remote repo.

Because you made some changes in local, and things are not going well, and you want to start again.

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master

Be careful! your local changes will be lost forever.

go back to the previous branch, if dont remember it after changing branch

git checkout -