While using a Kali Linux VM on VMWare Player, faced issues connecting to the internet from the VM.

The VM Settings have Network Adapter = NAT

Found after troubleshooting:

ifconfig was not showing eth0 (only lo) (refer to 1 in Image 1)

Got an idea to UP this by: https://reachsibi.wordpress.com/2021/01/08/how-to-fix-the-error-network-unreachable-when-you-ping-any-domain-computer-in-kali-linux-2020/

Then this post here was useful to figure out that need to execute:

sudo dhclient eth0


  1. Check ifconfig shows eth0. If not, follow next steps.
  2. ifconfig eth0 up to ‘up’ the eth0
  3. recheck if eth0 is up
  4. sudo dhclient eth0
