YML is a document (plain text file) that is used generally as configuration file, just like json file would be used. It is meant to be more human readable and have minimal syntax. Refer this Quickstart guide on YML.

You can write strings without " " and I wanted to write a multiline string, but faced a problem.

I tried this SO, first problem I faced is - in yml corrent indentation is important else you get errors like:

failed to unmarshal YAML: yaml: line 79: could not find expected ':'

Corrected the indentation.

Anyway didnt work for me because of the Theme I am using(PaperMod Hugo). But I learnt how to write multiline string in yml, atleast.

References: this SO

Edit: Found a way to make it work later:

    Content: |
      - Line 1
      - Line 2 / Para 2 with multiple Sentences.
      - Line 3